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AI Agents plugins

The AI Agent plugins utilise Drupal's Plugin API to provide different actions that can be performed on a Drupal site by referencing an external AI. The plugins allow these actions to be normalised so that regardless of their actual functionality, they can be used in a standard fashion and integrated with other modules cleanly.

Adding a new plugin

New plugins can be implemented in any module by: 1. Adding a src/Plugin/AiAgent folder to the module. 2. Adding a new PHP plugin file that implements the AiAgentInterface.

As some of the AI Agent's functionality will be the same regardless of what the plugin itself does, it is recommended to extend the AiAgentBase abstract class to reduce duplication. However, as long as the new plugin conforms to the requirements of the AiAgentInterface, this is not essential.

Plugin identification

A new plugin must implement the getId() method to return a unique machine name, and the agentNames() method to provide an array of agent names.

Plugin capabilities

A new plugin must implement the agentsCapabilities() method to return a valid array of information about the plugin's capabilities. The array must be keyed by the getId() machine name, and provide meaningful name and description values that can be presented to user's to explain the AI agent's purpose. The array must also provide input and output keys that define the user input and the AI Agent's output.

For examples on the format for this method, please see the existing plugins in the module's src/Plugin/AiAgent folder.

Plugin availability.

If your plugin should only be available under certain circumstances - for example if a specific control or core module is enabled - you can specify that in the isAvailable() method. If this method returns FALSE, the plugin will not be available to use on the site: the base implementation returns TRUE by default so any plugin not overriding this method will be usable by default.

If the isAvailable() method returns FALSE, it is recommended to override the isNotAvailableMessage() method to return a meaningful message about why the plugin is unavailable.

In addition to this, if the plugin should only be available to certain users to use, the hasAccess() method should be overridden to perform any required checks. Each plugin has the current user available in $this->currentUser. The parent method will check if this user has the roles set against the AI Agent in its settings (or if the user is the root account): because of this, it is recommended that any override of the hasAccess() method calls the parent method first, unless this specifically conflicts with your requirements.

The hasAccess() method must return a valid AccessResult entity of the appropriate type, based on the calculation done within the method. A Neutral return will result in access being forbidden.

Plugin functionality

AI Agent Prompts

Within the AI Agent plugin, the $this->agentHelper->runSubAgent() method is available to manage communication with an LLM or other AI in a structured fashion. This method takes the name of a prompt file and an array of any relevant content in the format ['CONTEXT DESCRIPTION' => 'CONTEXT VALUE'']. The file name MUST correspond to the name of a file in the plugin provider module's codebase, in a folder /prompts/<plugin machine name>/<prompt file name>.<prompt file extension>. The file extension must NOT be included in the name passed to the runSubAgent() method. Currently only .yml file prompt inputs and JSON format outputs from the AI are supported, so you must include appropriate instructions about the outputs in your prompts.

For the correct structure to use for te prompt files, please see this module's own prompt files in prompts. Please note: as the AI Agents are intended to alter the configuration and content of a production site, it is very important that prompts are written and tested by developers with a good understanding of writing prompts for AI.

The determineSolvability method

When a plugin is triggered, it will first run the determineSolvability() method. This identify what kind of task the user is trying to carry out, either through code or by passing the request to the LLM to identify. The method MUST return one of the task type constants defined in the AiAgentInterface: this result will then determine which of the AIAgents methods will be called to carry out the task.


Based on the result from the determineSolvability() method, the AI Agent will run one of a number of possible functions. Only the methods that relate to task type constants returned by your implementation need to be added to your codebase: if your determineSolvability() method only ever returns AiAgentInterface::JOB_NOT_SOLVABLE, none of the possible follow-up methods will ever be triggered.

  1. JOB_NOT_SOLVABLE: if this constant is returned, the user will be advised that the task cannot be carried out, and possibly asked to rephrase. This should be the default return if the code does not identify the task as belonging to any more suitable category.
  2. JOB_SOLVABLE: if this is returned, the AI Agent's solve() method will be triggered. It is intended that this method will perform some content or configuration change on the site, using code within the method: for example, creating a new Node Type or amending an existing Field.
  3. JOB_NEEDS_ANSWERS: if this is returned, the askQuestion() method is run. This is intended to be run where the AI Agent requires additional information from the user to complete the task it has been asked to perform. In most cases, the default implementation of this in AiAgentBase will be sufficient: this returns the AI's questions unedited and displays them to the user for a response. Any response will be a new submission to the AI, but the previous questions and responses will be sent as context.
  4. JOB_SHOULD_ANSWER_QUESTION: if this is returned, the AI Agent's answerQuestion() method is run. This is intended for use when the AI Agent requires more information from the AI before it can complete its task. It will most likely use the $this->agentHelper->runSubAgent() method to send additional instructions and context to the AI before the response is then run again through determineSolvability().
  5. JOB_INFORMS: if this is returned, the inform() method will be run. This is intended to return relevant information to the user in response to a question that does not require any changes being made to the site.

Error handling

Exceptions thrown within the AI Agent will be caught and their messages displayed to the user: please be cautious running code that may throw its own Exceptions, and ensure any error messages you set are user facing.

In the event of an error, the AI Agent's rollback() method will be run. It is intended that this will undo any actions that have been carried out by the AI Agent up to the point. The AiAgentBase implementation will use the stored record of changed configuration and revert changes to them: if your AI Agent has non-configuration actions it needs to undo, you will need to override this method. Please refrain from reverting configuration changes globally as sites may have unrelated changes that you would be getting rid of.

Plugin configuration

Any available plugin will appear to users with the correct access in the global configuration form at /admin/config/ai/agents/settings. It will have the standard configuration options mentioned in the module's documentation available by default.

If your plugin implements the buildConfigurationForm() method, the output of this form will be available on the default settings page. If you implement this method, you MUST also implement the submitConfigurationForm() method to store the additional settings as plugin configuration.

Testing your AI Agent

To assist with testing your AI Agent, the AI Agent Explorer module has been created to allow you to send requests directly to the AI Agent and view debugging information on your screen. For more information, please see the documentation.